One week ago, Parvati and I landed back in Berkeley, safe and sound. And all week it’s been that fun mental game of, where were we one week ago??

Riding beneath the Big, Big Sky
Oh right! The giant fields…or the great expression on the cow’s faces….

Outta my way, I’ve been wrestling wind allll day!
or the smell of the alfalfa…or the morning air right after the rain in Halsey…

Are we there yet?
And then two days ago, I smiled remembering those of you I had the great pleasure of actually SEEING at the finish line and celebrations!

After a week of iceberg lettuce, Tom met me with spinach and arugula. He’s dreamy that way
This message is for all of you. Your support, offered in many ways, has been a source of encouragement, reassurance, and inspiration. The CRAN Credit reel (below) includes each one of you. I hope you’ll take a few minutes to review the list for two reasons:
1) to acknowledge that you played a part in this ride, a carefully, creatively designed action to increase awareness, focus attention and empower humans to act on behalf of life and creation, and
2) to celebrate our success! In a little over two months, we raised nearly 10k. It’s true! The fundraising thermometer on my Climate Ride page is hovering just under $10,000. This didn’t happen because large funders or private companies stepped-in (not that that would be a bad thing); it happened because so, so many of you gave what you could…which, together, becomes a LOT!
At the end of my Finish Line presentation and Q&A last week, the final question was perhaps the best one, and for me, the most difficult. It came from the back of the room, from a face I couldn’t see, and the voice asked, “What will you do now?”

By Day Four, I’d begun fantasizing about Iowa, then Illinois…Indiana….
For a few days, already, I’d been cogitating on this. After acting on a dream, planning the ride, raising the funds, executing the logistics and pedaling the 485 miles, what would I do now? After a long moment of silence I said, “I will keep doing what I’m doing, sometimes not very well, but I will keep doing it…and I hope we can do it together.” I was referencing the three practices I’d mentioned in my presentation; the same three I’m going to re-cap now, in my final CRAN message, to be sure we’re getting our story straight.
Let’s remember: the story we’ve been hearing, that we need to, “save the planet,” is a flawed story. Our hope now is to tend and tell the NEW story. The new story is that we need to save LIFE (ours and the miraculous, interdependence we share with all the species and earth’s resources). Here are three practices that I believe can help us tend our story:

Build Intimacy. Start where it’s simple…let it ripple from there
Practice One: This is a Love story!
Build Intimacy. An age-old human story involves fences and defining each side. In the saving life story, we’re all living and we need to have conversations about the universality of this. Perhaps this is best done by talking about the beings we love (pets, land, grandchildren, trees, and so on), and then working to care for and preserve them.

Parts of the new story aren’t glamorous. They’re necessary, though, and require our patience
Practice Two: We’re ALL protagonists in this story.
Begin Again. Tell it Like it Is. The familiar story is about an economy built on More, Growth, and Obsilescent. This story is NOT about recycling. Driving a Prius is NOT enough, and neither is riding a bike. The new story needs us to talk about what trying something unfamiliar feels like. Can we tolerate uncertainty together? Can we explore a new definition for “growth?” The new story is about implementing safer, saner ways of consuming what we need without hurting ourselves and future generations.
Practice Three: Play. Use your voice. Express Yourself
Our new story is rooted in Regenerative Humility. With care and practice, and support from our communities, we can source from a place that’s regenerative — I call it God. In this place, I put less of my interest on changing the world, and more attention on how the world changes me.

Climate talks while pedaling through the sandhills. Unforgettable
On day three of my CRAN, I had the rare gift of riding 50 miles with another cyclist (I saw 5 total!). When I told him why I was riding, his words about our situation were, “There is no hope.” Perhaps he’s right. The Western Shelf of Antarctica is falling to sea and new fires are burning every day in the Southwest. Nevertheless, Regenerative Humility keeps me curious. It frees me to move and act without the guarantee of success.

There’s No Place Like Home — and I don’t mean Kansas. That, Silly, would be CRAK!
Friends! We are mammals, human mammals that create. Our life depends on it. WHAT we create is part of the story we’re reconstructing. I have no clue how this story ends; what I do know is that our next chapter is happening and it needs each one of our co-creative acts to set the story back on course. Thanks for sharing your voice and support!!! And speaking of support, this is it!
My Last Call for CRAN donations. Do I Hear 10k??? You can make a secure online donation NOW by clicking on the ‘Support Me’ button, on my Climate Ride website page. You’ll automatically receive an acknowledgment and I will be notified by email of your support. Thank you for your help!
Acupuncture, Massage & Bodywork Miracles
Laura, Gonzalo, Sylvia, Bruce & Barb
Above & Beyond acts of Cheerleading
Amy & Ellie (card & artwork), Cathleen (traveling from Toronto), Heather (faithful FB & blog commenting), Jules & Sukha (text photos), Ed (phone call), CR (good luck bracelet), Phil & Annette (CRAN mala beads), Lane (traveling from KC)
Bike Case & Bike Rack
Kevin W and the Geggs Family
Bike Maintenance & Safety Check
Paul at Polkadot Bicycles
Donations over $150
A surprisingly, wonderful number of you
Donations of every amount, given with appreciation
So, SO many of you
Finish Line Celebration Event
Betsy, Laurel, Kim, Robyn, & the Zanders
Helmet Cam
Margo D
Lodging & Accommodations
Tom P
Pace-setter, Equipment Consult, Bike Fit, & Luvvvv
Valentino P
Prayers and Good Thoughts, Blog Readers & FB followers
More of you than I even know, and thank you so very much
Press Release & CRAN Promotion
D2 Infinity, Kim, Betsy, Robyn & Nick
Route Mapping
Barb B
Support and Gear (SAG) Master & Photography
Laurel VH-P (da mama) & Misty (da car)