I’m here! I’m in Nebraska! And I have that, “Places, Please!” feeling.

Parvati, newly arrived in Nebraska — ready for assembly!
My love for theatre began in grade school; I had the good fortune of performing a lot in Lincoln, NE. It was my sophomore in high school when I realized that even before the Stage Manager called, “Places!” I was often already in the wings, praying. Being in the wings is a holy ground, of sorts. It’s that space of putting one’s trust in the rehearsals and preparation, combined with the creative tension that ceaselessly nudges for further refinement, fresh paint, the freedom to risk a little. Praying before a performance is my way of surrendering: please remind me to use all I’ve been given. Please grace me with the ease and spontaneity of Being Present.
My CRAN (Climate Ride Across Nebraska) is no different, but more to the point, neither is our miraculous life on this fine planet-home! Tomorrow, my Mom and Parvati and I will drive North and West to Chadron, NE, where I will begin my ride. And, if this were merely, “a ride,” I don’t suppose I would be feeling butterflies. This ride is a joyful, prayer-filled pilgrimage!
Please remember the stakes: We cannot promise our children’s children will have clean water, or land, or air.
And please remember the promise: As highly intelligent, capable and creative mammals, the Divine invites each one of us to bring our love, our ingenuity, and our Whole Self to every moment. My CRAN is rooted in a truth worth celebrating — that we are all (humans, animals, the elements) interconnected, blessed, and worth saving.”
You’re receiving this message because I want to share this week’s events with you. I’ve committed to do the pedaling, my friends. You can help me with your prayers and donations. For those who have already donated, thank you, thank you. Just this afternoon, I reached my minimum goal of $8000…so I’m raising the bar! The proceeds from this ride will be divided between my three, specially-selected & amazing beneficiaries: 350.org, Interfaith Power & Light, and World Bicycle Relief. You can make a secure online donation NOW by clicking on the ‘Support Me‘ button found on my Climate Ride page. You’ll automatically receive an acknowledgment and I will be notified by email of your support. Thank you for your help!

Climate Ride, 2011